Tuesday, February 15, 2011

 Hi theree :)

Tuesday night we won our soccer game! We won 3-2, Lexie and I each scored a goal, it was a lot of fun! We have another game tonight so hopefully we pull out another win!

On Thursday, February 10th, we gave oral presenations in my Spanish class. We each had to pick an article on any topic and talk about it. Mine was about a baby who was found in the water of a toilet in South Carolina, how sad :( Aside for the depressing article, the class was really fun because everyone had really interesting articles to present and then we discussed them. Personally, I think that this is such a great way to learn the language, just by discussing interesting topics with others. After class I met Lexie and her parents at Plaça Catalunya!!! It was so exciting to see them! We showed them around and took them to one of our favorite places to eat lunch. Unfortuantely after exploring I had to go to class again, but it wasn´t too bad. After class I met Lexie and Suzi back at our apartment and then we headed back to their apartment that they had for the weekend for dinner. Chris made a fantastic dinner for us! He made us some salad, chicken, and mashed potatoes, it was very very good! They were very nice and let me spend the night there :)

Friday, February 11th: Today we woke up and had some cereal, coffee, and toast and then headed out to explore some more! We walked by the port and ate lunch at a place right on the water. Lexie and I split some paella, chicken, calamari  and a salad. It was delicious! After lunch we walked by my school and Park Ciutadella (a park behind my school) and then headed back to their apartment. I ended up just going back to my apartment to go to bed early because I didn´t feel very well. I got a great night sleep though and felt much, much better the next day!

Saturday, February 12th: We went to Park Guell, a really beautiful park where Gaudi´s used to live. There was so much going on there, and there was so much to see. It was very, very fun!! After exploring the park for a little while we sat down and had some Sangria. In the plaza of the park there are a ton of people selling jewlery, scarves, souvenirs, etc. There are also people dancing for money, blowing huge bubbles, and all sorts of other stuff. It was very interesting! After this, we took the metro to the market by the Bales´ apartment, but it closed at 3, and it was 3:07, we juust missed it!! They wouldn´t even let us go to the bathroom, they are really serious about their siestas I guess! We made our way to Corte Ingles, which seems to never close, and we got a ton of food to make for dinner. Alex, Parker, and Danny (our roommates) came over to the Bales´ apartment for dinner. Chris made us some chicken wings!We also had some pico de gayo, guacamole, and some other tasty food. We ate on the roof of their apartment, it was such a great view, but it got chilly after a while, so we went back downstairs and just talked and had a great time! I ended up heading back to our apartment later that night, because I did not have any of my stuff to sleep over there.

Sunday, February13th:  Today there was a big festival going on in Plaça de Santa Jaume, so my roommates and I went to that. There was a parade with all of this huge statues, and then their was a competition where groups of people made human towers. It was sooo cool to see! They got up to 6 people high, it was amazing! Later that night we went back to Plaça de Santa Jaume to see another parade. At this parade, kids and adults would run around in costumes holding sticks with firecrackers on them that would spin around! It was soo cool, they looked like fireworks! In between each group of people, there were people playing the drums. It was quite the sight to see, even though I probably lost some of my hearing in my right ear from all of the firecrackers exploding! After the festival we headed back to our apartment and Mati had some pizza waiting for us :)

Monday, February 14th: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINA LEE :) :) VALENTINES DAY <3 <3 Today was really nice, because I didn´t have class in the morning, because we had intercambio (where we would talk in spanish to spanish students studying English) later on at night. Even though I did not have class, I woke up early and made my way to the gym for a good work out. After my workout I went back to my apartment, sat in the kitchen and ate some breakfast and did some vacation planning for my next few weeks!! I booked a flight for Granada for the last week in February to visit Jen, my friend for La Crosse!!! I am so excited to see her, Lexie, my friend from class (Jocie) and I are going to stay with Jen for a few days- it is going to be a blast!! I also booked a flight for the Canary Islands the first weekend in March. This is our long weekend, because we do not have class the next Monday, so we are going from Thursday until Tuesday. I am going with two girls named Sammy and Kellie from my program. I am very excited, can´t wait to be laying on the beach soaking up some sun! Along with those two excursions, we are going to Rome this weekend with our program! I can´t wait to eat lots and lots of pasta and pizza :) yuummmm!!!! So after all of this planning, I had class which went pretty well. Somehow I always get extremely tired everytime I have class! haha. After managing to stay awake throughout my entire class, I made my way to the Bales´ apartment for an early dinner. They invited me over for a nice Valentine´s day dinner! :) (they are too good to me!) We had some delicious pasta with chicken, a salad, garlic bread and some lemon drop soup! It was soo good! I then had to leave to go to intercambio. As bummed as I was to leave them, intercambio ended up being really really fun! I met two really nice, fun Spanish students, and we had some great conversations! After intercambio I headed back to my apartment and just relaxed for the rest of the night. It was a really great day :)

adios, te amo!! xoxo :)

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