Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When in Rome...

Well Last Tuedsay night we lost our soccer game 5-7, Lexie and I both scored though! It was a really close game and we almost pulled out a win, but just fell short. Tonight we will get the win!!

Thursday, February 17th: Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much just normal days at school. Went to class and came back home and relaxed a little and then Thursday night, I packed for Rome!!

Friday, February 18th: Today we left for Rome early in the morning. When we got to Rome, about 3:00 PM, we took a bus tour around the whole city. We were able to get out of the bus at the Vatican and we went inside St. Peter's Basilica. It was AMAZING, wow it was the most beautiful church I have ever seen. It was unreal, I could stay in there for a whole day and just look in amazement. Then we had to get going, drove around a little more and then we arrived back at our hotel. By this time we were all sooo hungry!! So, Lexie and a group of girls from our program and I got some gelato at this really cool gelato place and then went to dinner at this cute little restaurant. (yes, we had dessert before dinner! this is only because all of the gelato places would have been closed by the time we were done eating dinner and we just had to have some!) I had pasta carbonara, it was soo good!! After dinner we were all tired from such a long day of traveling, so we just headed back to our hotel and got a good nights rest.

Saturday, February 19th:
We woke up early on Saturday morning,
ate breakfast at the hotel and then went on a tour with our program to the Colesseum. It was so interesting to see everything. As terrible as all the things are that happened in the Colesseum it was a really really cool place and learning about it all was so interesting. After our tour in the Colesseum we walked to the Forum and had a tour there as well.  Everything was so beautiful, interesting, and cool to see, but we were kind of being sick of being with such a large group that we were ready to split up and go do our own thing. Lexie, Hillary, Sammy, Kellie and I all went off together. We went to see the Sistine Chapel which was unbelieveable. Wow there was just soooo much to see. It was all so beautiful, but we were all a little overwhelmed with how much there was in there. After touring the Sistine Chapel we went to lunch at this cute little restaurant right near the Vatican. We sat outside in the sun, ate pizza, bread and we got a free dessert! :) It was so delicious, all the food is just so good!! After lunch we went to this store and I bought a long champ purse! :) Then, we took a cab to see the Trevi fountain. I threw three coins in, it was such a cool place! Then we walked to see the Spanish steps, the Pantheon, and through so many different, cute little streets of Rome. We were still sort of full from lunch so we just found a little place where we sat outside with a heater and had a little something to eat. I shared pesto pasta with Sammy, and some bread with tomatoes, it was amazing. We headed back to the hotel after to prepare for our big day ahead of us on Sunday!

Sunday, February 20th: Today we woke up, went to a little cafe for a coffee and a crossaint, and then headed to the Vatican. We went to mass at St. Peter's Basilica. It was such a great experience to be there, even though it was in a different language so we couldn't really understand it, it was still so amazing. After the mass was over we went outside into the plaza where we would see the Pope talk. There were so many people there, holding signs and awaiting to hear the Pope. After waiting for about ten minutes the Pope came out of his window. Wow, this was honestly just incredible. I saw THE POPE!! I never thought I would be able to say that. And not only was seeing him cool, he spoke in about 10 different languages, it was unbelievable. I have trouble speaking two, I can't believe that one man can speak so many different languages! After seeing one of the coolest things ever, we headed to a little place for lunch. I had some pasta again, I love this place!! It sure is a good thing I am not studying in Rome though, because I would literally gain 100 lbs. !! haha. We arrived juuust in time for our bus, nearly missed it, took the bus to the airport and then got on our flight to head back to Barcelona. Man, Rome was so amazing. All of the cites we saw, all of the food we ate, all just amazing! I can't wait to go back some day -- I did throw 3 coins in the Trevi Fountain! :) :)

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