Monday, January 31, 2011

Being spontaneous!

Sorry I haven´t updated this in a while, I have been very busy lately!

This past week has been a lot of fun! We have been venturing out much more, seeing some really cool places and meeting some great people. On Sunday 1/23 Lexie and I went to church and then went exploring. We hoped on the metro and took it until the end, we had no clue where we were going or what we were going to see. When we got off the metro we had found that we were right in the mountains and the right by a really cool soccer field, and it just so happened that a game was going on so we sat and watched for a while. It was a really beautiful area, but we were really hungry and there weren´t any open food places to eat at, so we hoped back on the metro and got off once again at a random stop. After quite some time walking around searching for somewhere to eat, we finally found this really cute tapas restaurant where we got some lunch. We then headed back to our apartment to get ready to go watch the packer vs. bears game. From the second we got home until the game ended we gave our roommates a very hard time (seeings as they are bears fans) haha. It was a really exciting game to watch, I was soooo nervous though that I bit all of my nails! I am SOOO excited that they won and they are going to the super bowl, Lexie and I convinced ourselves that night that we were going to go to the super bowl, which clearly is not going to happen. haha. I WISH!!!!

School went pretty well this week, it was my last week with Friday classes (last week of my intensive Spanish course). We had a test on Friday, and I thought it went really well. We got our tests back today and I got an A so that was exciting :)

On Monday, Mati had put out a bunch of snacks and treats so we could all celebrate her birthday together. I was so much fun! Mati used to be a singer for Flamenco dancers, so we convinced her to sing a song for us and she was AMAZING. She had such passion in her voice when she sang and it was so cool to hear. We keep trying to get her to sing for us and she says if we want her to sing then we have to do the dishes haha. She is so darn cute, we got very lucky to have her and Enrique as our host parents.

Tuesday, we woke up early and went to an aerobics class at the gym. It was actually really fun, interesting too because it was all in Spanish! haha. After class Lexie met me by my school and we were going to go to the zoo, but it ended up being closed :( Sooo instead we walked around this really pretty park, tried to pick some oranges from this orange tree-haha, and then went to the chocolate museum! It was a really fun day.

Wednesday morning, we woke up and went to a spin class at our gym, it was pretty intense, but it felt really good! After class Lexie and I decided to go to the FC Barcelona game. It was kind of an impulse decision. Lexie found tickets online for like 10€ each, so we were expecting not so great seats. Once Lexie got home from class we went and got a kebab from this little place right by our apartment, it was DELICIOUS! Sooo good, definitely going to be one of our places to eat! haha. We got to the game a little late, because we were just chatting it up at dinner, lol. But when we got there we were so shocked to see that our seats were directly behind the goal. I´m talking second row! soooo cool. FC Barcelona ended up winning 5-0, and it was soo much fun to see. Oh yeah, and of course Lexie and I were both reppin´ our Messi #10 jersy´s!!

So all week we had been talking about going to Madrid for the weekend, however once we found out that it was suppose to be rainy and cold there all weekend we quickly changed our minds. Sooo on Thursday we were looking at some potential places to go and Lexie came across a little town called Girona, Spain. So we thought ´Why not?´ The train tickets were really cheap and we found a really cute, inexpensive apartment to stay in right in the central of the town. So we booked the tickets and the hotel. Friday after my test we met at the train station and made our way to Girona! We got there around 6pm, so once we got settled in we found a little market, bought some pasta, tomatoes, potatoes, and bread. We made a nice little dinner in our apartment and then went down to this creperia right underneath our apartment. When we were there this French man came up to us and told us he wanted us to go meet his son so he could practice his English with us. So we went and sat by them for a little bit (his girlfriend, son that was about 12 years old, and daughter that was about 9) The kids were sooo darn cute, and the boy could speak 6 languages!!  How amazing to be able to speak SIX languages at 12 years old, I couldn´t believe it! They were so friendly and gave us some tips of fun things to do and see in the town. We went back up to our apartment and got a good night sleep so that we could wake up early the next day and explore! So the whole waking up early kinda fell through and we slept in. However then we were full of energy and ready to explore and shop :) We found some reaaallly cute store and got some presents for our sisters :) Girona was such a cute town, with houses right on this river, Roman walls, and the mountains in the background. After shopping and exploring for a while we went to the Cinema museum which was very interesting and it was interactive which was really fun! Although I love Barcelona, it was nice to get away from the big city for a few days.
For dinner we went to this all you can eat pizza place, it was strange though because you couldn´t order whatever pizza you wanted, they brought you all different kinds- which was cool though because I was able to try some different kinds that I would have never ordered. Sitting next to us were a group of about 6 Hispanic boys, and it happened to be one of their birthday´s. They asked us to play this game with them for his birthday- they had 24 envelopes each containing something different, like a present, a trivia game, and some other funny little things. They were very nice and it was fun to meet them.

The next day we woke up and went to explore the city of Girona a little more. We walked along the Roman walls that once guarded the city (because it had been fought over on several different occasions). Then we made our way to Figueres to see the Dali museum- apparently the most visited museum in Spain!! In my past two Spanish classes back in the states I learned all about Salvador Dali, even wrote a 8 page research paper on him, so seeing this museum was really cool!! There was some really cool stuff, but some really weird stuff as well. After seeing this interesting museum, we ate some lunch then made our way back to the train to head back to Barcelona. Although it was a very fun weekend, we were so glad to be back at the apartment with Mati, Enrique, and our roomies! :)

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