Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nuestra Casa (our house)- updated!

Today we moved into our apartment, it is sooo cute! We are living with a housewife named Matilde, but we call her Mati, and her husband Enrique, and two other students from the US will be moving in on monday. We have a cure room, small with yellow comforters (it is clear that I over-packed- oops!! )
There is a very nice kitchen, living room and 2 bathrooms. Also, our apartment is on the corner so we have a terrace that raps around our apartment- its amazing! Our apartment is above a bakery/ coffee shop and a market. This part of town seems a little bit more safe than where we were staying at our hotel. Our hotel we stayed at was by a very popular street called 'las ramblas'- it is where everyone who is traveling goes to see and this means there are a lot of pickpocketers because they target tourists- especially americans. I am being careful though and watching my purse at all times- they say thats about the only crime that happens here though. For lunch today Mati made Lexie and I spaghetti. She made her own sauce ('salsa' en espaƱol) and a salad- it was delicious! We just got done unpacking. It is about 5:30 here and now I am going to lay down and enjoy my 'siesta' :)

Lexie and I unpacked, and luckily everything fit! phew! We showered, napped and then woke up and had a nice dinner from Mati. We had this fried thing with cheese and ham, some french fries and chorizo (looks like a sausage, but it is harder and harder to chew). Lexie and I didn't particularly like the chorizo so we told Mati 'No le gusta'. She told us to tell her if we don't like something because otherwise she will continue making it- she was not offended at all, she understood. We then just sat and talked with Enrique and Mati for a while and the showed us on the computer where the metro is and what not. We decided not to go out tonight, we are just too tired and want to rest up for our first week of school and want to be able to enjoy our day tomorrow. Tomorrow we have an academic meeting at the hotel we stayed at, then we will probably do some shopping because there are a lot of sales- 'rebajas'- going on right now, like 30-50% off (sort of like black friday but it lasts like 2 weeks, its really cool!) Then we want to go watch the packer game at the Irish bar we were at on Thursday night. They will have the games on tv and after there is karaoke! Que divertido eh?! Well now lexie and I are going to watch a show on our computer and get a good nights sleep. Buenas noches todos!

te amo much.. if you would like to skype, I'd love that and I can show you the place!

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