Friday, January 7, 2011

First few days in Barcelona!

It is about 8 o'clock pm here right now- 1:33 pm your time. We just got done with a housing meeting. We are having a ton of fun here, today we had a tour around the area and then a tour of all of barcelona! It was amaaazing! We went to this food market today and it was unbelievabley cool, some really wierd stuff but it was really cool to see. How are you doing? I miss you guys a lot. The first day was kinda hard for me because I was sooooo tired from not sleeping on the flight and the time change.  Our program bought us dinner last night, it was like 6 courses! it was crazy, I was full before my main meal came. First we had a caprase salad (cheese with tomatoes) and then we had these things with cheese in them, called croquettes, and then we had rizotto with parmasan and mushroom, and then we had this hummus thing with goat cheese, and then our main meal was a choice of either salmon and rice or chicken with fries (i obviously had the chicken haha-- but i tried the salmon, it was gross!). Everything was really good except for the hummus thing and the salmon, it was a lot of food but keep in mind its 'tapas' so its smaller portions shared with the table. Oh and for dessert we had creme brulee! 

after dinner a group of us went to this irish pub, it was a lot of fun. We are meeting a lot of people and being safe so don't worry momma! I used the purse you got me today mom, works great! Its perfect for Spain. The sales for the winter clothes started today so the city was packed! The tour around here we took, we saw the market, a really gorgeous cathedral! and some really cool stores/places. On our bus tour we saw a lot of Gaudi's architecture (famous architect from Barcelona). Some of the places he made are soooo pretty and really interesting. This church he was building (sagrada familia-- google that and see some pictures!) is still in the process of being built and will maybe be done in 2026 but it is quite the site to see- gorgeous!! We then got to go to the olympic soccer stadium that was used when Barcelona held the olympics in 1992- amazing. We then went to the FC Barcelona stadium today- not the inside but the gift shop and what not- I want to buy everything from that store, SOOOOOO coool!!!! Also, we drove past my university and it is about a 5 minute walk away from the Meditteranean Sea-- so beautiful... ohh and a casino haha! We have had a lot of meetings but we are having a lot of fun as well-- very tired though! Please keep in touch everyone, miss you and id love to skype you if you want to :)

1 comment:

  1. Menu del dia.... you have to get it at any restaraunt. It's the only way that you will save money! Three course meals.. mmm. You are going to get fat, and embrace it. I ate SO much in Spain. So delicious. Aahhh!!!! I'm glad you had croquettes, those are my favorite. Make sure you eat a million bocadillos. And fresh coconut.
