Monday, January 17, 2011

starting to get settled in!

1/13- Today I woke up, got a little something to eat and then went for a run. Still feeling a little sick, it wasnt the best work out but it felt good to get my heart pumping. I ran for about 30 minutes and then came back, showered and made my way to the API office (our programs office) to talk to them about dropping that awwfuuul financial economics II class. They said that I should be able to do it, so lets hope so! This appointment took sooooooooo long, so many people were in there so it took a really long time until it was my turn. Finally, I got out of there, went to the store with Lexie, we got a pizza and bread for dinner. We came back to our apartment and made our pizza in the microwave, Enrique and Mati made fun of us because they thought it was funny that we were eating bread and pizza. ( they said it was like the same thing!) And then Enrique made us his form of garlic bread (or as he says, 'desayuno por el pobre' aka 'breakfast for the poor'). We made dinner for ourselves tonight because we were going out with our friend Lily. We met at her apartment then went out. We ended up at a club called Opium. Opium is a verrry overpriced club to say the least, it is very cool and interesting- but its a place you go to once or twice and that is enough. Although Opium is a little overwhelming, we still had a fun time dancing and hanging out. We spent the night at our friend Lily's because it is much closer so we wouldnt have to pay a ton of money for a cab (they really rip you off!!!)  Lex and I shared the couch, not so comfortable! And we didnt have any blankets so we were freeeezzinnng!!

1/14- HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY BOY!!! AND SUZI :) Lex and I woke up early and headed home to sleep in our warm comfy beds. We pretty much just ended up sleeping the whole day since we didnt get the best nights sleep the night before. However we did get a chance to talk to both our parents and wish them a happy birthday! :) We woke up ate dinner, showered and then we decided since it was our friends birthday we should go out and help him celebrate. We ended up getting our roomies (Alex, Danny, and Parker) to come with us! We had a ton of fun, we went to a club called Oshum. Since it was our friends birthday we got in for free and got to go into the VIP lounge, it was very cool. We danced and had a great time. The metro opened back up at 5am so we just waited for that and came home and went to bed.

1/15- 2:15 we finally woke up. I met Lexie down at the cafe for a chocolate crossaint and a fresh squeezed oj :) Lexie filled out some post cards and I read my book 'the Lovely Bones'- I am almost finished, very good book, but very sad. After this we walked to the gym to sign up for a membership. It is called BAC de RODA- very cool place. It has a pool inside and outside, a huge weight room, and offers many many free aerobic fitness classes for us to take. After about 2 hours of getting everything set for us to join (things move much slower here than in the US) we finally got to go and work out. After our workout we went into the sauna for a little bit and then into the jacuzzi and pool for a little. It is soooo funny, when your are in the pool or jacuzzi you are required to wear a swim cap, so lexie and I had to borrow one from the lifeguard and they were to big so they kept falling off.  It was sort of awkward because everyone was staring at us, because we were the only girls in the place with a 2 piece on. lol. We decided to get out and went to shower and then made our way back home for dinner. Tonight Enrique made us dinner, it was this stew with potatoes and beef in it. It was delicious!! :) We did not go out tonight, we decided to stay in and at 2am we watched the packer game on my computer! Well I did at least, Lexie fell asleep before it even started, I ended up falling asleep at half time. But in the middle of the night I woke up to find that they won 41-21! :) YAYYY! I think that my packer boys are gunna go to the super bowl, sorry bears fans your in trouble!!!! :)

1/16- This morning Lexie and I woke up a little earlier than usual, aka not 2pm lol. Lexie found a church that is in English so we went to a service. It was very cool, so many different people from different cultures were there. The music was really good, fun, and uplifting- as were all of the people. This little african american boy was baptized, it was really cool to see- so many cute little kids as well! During church a man made an announcement about serving food to the needy on the streets this upcoming Saturday 1/22, so Lexie and I told him that we are interested and might be in attendance for that- how fun/rewarding would that be?! After the church service Lexie and I went to this pizzeria we went to before- its our place now :) We both had the margarita which came with a salad, bread, dessert (chocolate ice cream) and wine. It was delicious!! :) We headed back to our place for a little siesta, woke up for dinner (pasta with  cheesy/alfredo sauce with hamburger bits, a salad with a scrambled egg on the side)- very good meal, as all of them have been so far!! Our friend told us about this party that was going on at the W hotel- very very nice/exclusive hotel right on the beach. We were ready to go, but then decided we would rather just hang around here- so thats what we did, and we had a good time skyping/magic jacking friends and family and hanging with our roomies. Oh yeah Tyler Peterson arrived in Barcelona today so Lex n I have been in contact with him trying to meet up and what not, turns out he is staying at a place RIIIIIGHT by my school, what a coinicidence!!

1/17- Today was officially my first day of class! (Because I do not count that awful financial economics one) haha. I had class from 12:30-3:00. This is my intensive Spanish class. I tested into EspaƱol avanzado 3, which is great because that is what I needed to test into for my credits to transfer back to La Crosse. For the next 2 weeks this will be the only class that I am taking- Monday through Friday- and then on Jan 31st all of my other classes start and this class goes to only being 2 hours Monday through Thursday. My teacher is sooooo nice and all of the people in my class are great. Class flew by, all we did was talk which is so cool because it is a great way to learn the language!! Our class has about 12 people, so it is very personal which is also really great! There are 3 other girls from my program- api- in my class, so it was nice to see some familiar faces! After class, my friend that I met in class- Jocie- and I walked to the beach and just talked, she is very nice, I can tell we are going to get along great! After our stroll along the beautiful Mediteranean beach we headed to the book store to purchace the book we need for our language course. After this I headed home, and now here I am :)

I dont think I have mentioned this, but the weather here right now is in the mid 50s to low 60s. The sun is usually always out and shining :) its so nice!! It is very warm in the sun, but can get quite chilly in the shadows.

miss you all so much, hope all is well back home. please keep in touch and stay well. love you all :)

PS--- GO PACK GO!!! (The bears still suck!! ) haha

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