Friday, January 7, 2011

we went out tonight to and walked very far to a place called chupitos (shots - in english). It was a cool bar, met a lot of locals there. At first when I met the locals I told them I was from USA and then I told them I was kidding and told them I was from Canada and they started clapping and bought me a drink hahah. They however did tell me that I spoke spanish very well, quite the compliment! Tomorrow Lexie and I will be picked up by our housewife- Matilde Jimenz (Mati for short) and will move into our apartment. Hopefully this will be a great fit for Lexie and I, we are both very excited to meet her. Buenas noches amigos!

1 comment:

  1. AAHHH CHOPITOS. Make sure you order a Harry Potter... it's the best shot they have and so fun... SO SO FUN. Do not EVER accept a Monica Lewinski. You will be embarassed for the rest of your life.
