Saturday, January 22, 2011

An eye opening day..

Friday 1/21: Today was our host mom, Mati's, birthday so after class Lexie and I went to the store to get Mati some little birthday gifts. We got her a little cake, with candles that said 35 because we've been saying 'Oh Mati how old will you be 30? and shes says no no no 35!' She loved it thought it was sooooo funny! Also, we got her flowers and balloons and we hung the balloons up around our kitchen. She was so happy that we thought of her. We ate dinner, drank some wine with her and then went to bed.

Saturday 1/22: Today Lex and I meant to wake up really early and go see the inside of Sagrada Familia, but we didnt end up waking up unitll 11:00 am, oops!!! haha. At church last sunday this man, named James, told us about this great opportunity that would be taking place today, to bring food/clothes, walk around Barcelona and deliver these gifts to the homeless. So we woke up, had breakfast and then made some lunches. Lexie and I made pb&j's (12 to be exact) each in a little baggie with an orange, muffin, and chocolate. We were sort of nervous, but I am sooooo happy we went, it was such a rewarding experience. After seeing so many people suffering and struggling to get by it really makes your life seem so easy and really makes you appreciate everything so much more. Today was one of the coldest days in Barcelona so far, about 30 degrees Fahrenheit. I know, I know, to most of you that sounds pretty good, but for the people of Barcelona this is very cold. So everyone on the streets was very cold, so it was the perfect day to give them a little extra clothing. This one group of men we delivered food to had 4 beautiful dogs, and one of the dogs had just given birth 4 days ago to 3 adorable pups. These poor little puppies were just shiverring cuddling up with their mother. I was so tempted to just grab them and take the home with me, they were soooo darn cute!!! We even gave some biscuits to the dogs, you could tell they were sooo hungry and so grateful for some food. It was just as sad to see these dogs suffering as it was the men. Then we were walking down a street and there were prostitutes all over. It was so sad to see, poor women. I can't even imagine what they are going through. Later on in this adventure, we came across this group of men from Africa. They had told us about how tough things are for them. The police won't let them stay in this area, although it is not even illegal for them to be there. So they stay in this area anyways, which has cameras all of the place, just so they can prove to the police and the people that they are good, clean, and are just desperate for work and need money for them and their families to survive. We said a big group prayer with them and gave them the rest of the food we had. They were so friendly.  All of the people we encountered today will definitley be in my thoughts and prayers, I hope they find work or the help that they need. Also, today I was able to talk with my Nana, Papa, Mom, Dad, Sister, and Aunt MJ. As some of you may know my Papa is not doing very well and this has been very very tough for me not being able to be there to be with him and my family. My amazing sister was able to set up skype on my aunt mjs computer so I was able to see all of them, it was really great to be able to see them, especially my Papa. Papa was really tired though and wasn't really able to talk for very long. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Today there were a lot of ups and downs, but I have a lot of faith in God and know that everything will be okay with my Papa, my family, and all of the homeless people that we met today. Please keep all of these people in your prayers. Love you all so much and hope things are going great at home.


Love you all <3

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